Box Clever

Ali (Miller) who obviously has secret dreams of being a ballerina - who knew

Last Thursday we got to see all the beautiful boxes that were created for the Coutts charity auction. For one of the first times I felt a real *ooh I'm proud of myself* moment most of the time its a bit of an Eeyore, hey ho could have done better. But I love the project and feel passionate about the cause.

I'm well aware that getting children into the arts may seem trivial especially as Comic Relief was last night but if it wasn't for creative minds thinking outside the box (no pun intended) the whole idea of a television spectacular to raise money for any charity wouldn't have come about in the first place.

Weither you like it or not the world needs creative minds, they do more than just make the world a pretty place.

You can bid on one of the 21 Beautiful Boxes here.


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