Achey Breaky

One of the things I did in Glasgow was meet a friend who I've not before but we have a mutual best friend. Kim is lovely - she used to be a buyer and for the last few years has been pretty much bed bound with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Sometimes I forget where I am without my medication - which is, well bed bound.

I became ill 12 years ago - one minute in my dream job at the time which was television and the next sent home in a cab never to enter TV Centre again. It took years to figure out what was wrong with me but basically I couldn't move without help, I had episodes of paralysis and in hideous pain constantly. I was in and out of a wheelchair and always needing the help of my trusty stick mobility was basically zero and I became dependent on Dave for everything which I wasn't used to. Going back to design and art kept me slightly sane but every day felt like I'd been beaten up the night before. Eventually I got lots of answers and lots of meds which is the glue that means I can do things like walk and sit up on my own, still in pain but the thought of where I was at the beginning is enough to make me have a 'happy face' front.

Not really sure what my point is but after seeing someone feel how I did before real help it made me want to jabber on a bit - it does get better, sometimes you just get used to it and you can plod along but I'm over the moon to be where I am after the struggle and slightly smug that I never gave up. Yes, there should be more help to anyone disabled tying to start up a business and it's not out there and if anyone needs help and encouragement it's those that can't go back into the normal workplace so you have no choice.

 Disneyland in the wheels, yes you get to cut the queues but I can't think of another plus point
When you see mummy with a walking stick what else you gonna do with one?

For Kim, because I never thought I'd be where I am now and it does get easier.... I promise xx


  1. This is a really inspirational post- for anyone really, not just people with an illness or disability. You have to just keep going and hoping.

    You're an inspiration and your creations are so beautiful and clever! x


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