Desperately trying to inject a bit of art to the concrete jungle that is Croydon I decided to see who else was out there thinking the same..... Concrete Creative was sort of born - but no one really liked the concrete part so the C word* crept in..... (*meaning Croydon)

As uninspiring as Croydon sounds it does has a really good art college (yes, yes I did my foundation there so I would say that) that the likes of Ray Davies (really?), Malcolm McLaren (are you sure?) John Rocha and Noel Fielding (ok those we knew) went to.

Up until this month we had an arts centre with an exhibition space, small but nice bar and lovely independent cinema, the David Lean - that's all gone due to cuts. If ever a place needed some creative sparkle its Croydon.

So, on Sunday 27th March I'm doing a (very) teeny craft fair with some friends - 'tis a start if nothing else!


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